Grab a seat guys. I just finished watching stars "American Gods" and I must say, it was a total overhyped waste of time.😡 okay, that's a lie! Who am I kidding? It's in my opinion, one of the best series out there right now! Take it from me.
Okay, before I go into analyzing this fantasy drama, let me introduce you incase you aren't familiar with this show to what it's about. American gods is a fantasy drama about an ex convict who is caught in a battle between the new gods and the old.
The show begins When ex convict, shadow moon (played by African American Ricky whittle) is released from prison earlier than expected. He is however, left in shock and disbelief when he learns that the reason for his early release was to attend his wife's burial (played by Emily Browning)
On his way home, he meets con artist Mr Wednesday (played by English actor, Ian Mcshane) who convinces Ricky moon to work for him as his body guard. Unknown to moon, his new boss is actually an old God on a mission to build an army against the new Gods.
Things begin to pick pace from here on ward. With moon realizing that the America he as come to know was not what it appeared to be.
Let's not forget the dead wife who came back to life in her decomposing body.
Overall, American Gods brings to us something new, and explores uncharted territory.
Below are some of the reasons American gods is one of the best out there

1. Introductions . Episode 1 of the first season begins with the story of a Viking exploration that fails when they reach an island that was suppose to be filled with riches and women. But the Vikings were shocked to meet a bare island with no food and no women. Unable to leave the god forsaken island, they have to pray to  Oden to provide wind for their sails. Eventually, their prayers are answered, but at a cost. Why was this story told? Well, you will have to watch it to find out. But that was not my most interesting introduction. Mine came in episode 2. A slave ship carrying slaves to 1960s America shows a slave praying to the God, "ANANSI" in his native language "Igbo"(a Nigerian language). Anansi thus, appears to them telling them of the wicked faith that awaits them and their children's children. He urges them to kill themselves and their captors by burning the ship. Which they did. Anansi however is the only one to survive the wreckage as he turns himself into a spider and floats to shores.
2. The narratives: each character in the show has a different story to tell. And this was taken full advantage of by the creators. One of such stories is that of an Omani businessman named Salim who moved to America and was having a hard time coping. He meets a taxi driver, who is revealed to be a jinn.(a spiritual being) The two have a sexual encounter. Now this sex scene is really a big deal Because this is gay sex between two Muslims from the Middle East. I feel stars took a big risk in this one though. Not fearing a backlash. Well, back to the story. the following morning, they have exchanged lives and Omani gets the life of the taxi driver (thus becoming happy).Another narrative which I have come to enjoy watching is the story of Laura moon (Shadows wife). Episode 4 of the series was centered around her. It begins with Laura's earlier life before she met her husband. Her boring life, and her suicidal tendencies. Her life becomes more interesting when she meets shadow one night when he tries to steal from the casino. She stops him and the pair are quick to fall in love. Only for a while though as Laura is quick to get bored with him. In an attempt to safe her self and the marriage from what she calls being unhappy, she convinced shadow to go steal in the casino but he is caught. And is sentenced to prison for 6years. And she promises to wait for him, but ends up having an affair. She later died in a car accident with her lover but before she could be sent to hell fire buy Anubis, she is taken back to her decomposing body in the grave but with super strength . She wakes up, and searches for shadow moon.
All in all, Laura's character is that of a self centered, egoistic suicidal woman who flirts with death continuously until she actually dies and realizes that she actually wants to live. Generally, should not be likable but Somehow, she finds a way of making the audience love her for it and rooting for all all the way.
3. The show is weird and fun at the same time. Every bit of it is insane. And maybe hard to grasp at first by the audience, I would not say it's not a slow starter at that but rather it maintains a theme throughout the show that only becomes apparent as one goes deeper into its mysteries. Sex scenes are explicit with as much male nudity as there is females in a Balance that feminist would find appealing. Every thing that happens has a spiritual theme surrounding it. And one can get the feel that a lot of researches were done prior to the making of the film.
I could go on and on about why American god is the next best thing but, where is the fun in that. If you are yet to watch it, please do.
The series was produced by Micheal Fuller and Bryan Green. And has been renewed for a second season. With a score of 94% on  and 8.3/10 on
