Ways in which game of thrones episode 6 did not make any sense

With millions of viewers worldwide now watching the series, game of Thrones does not need any introduction. The penultimate season of Game of Thrones has done well to keep viewers addicted to the show as ever, with increased fan base with very episode released. And why not? It is a show that has dragons, zombies, faceless killers and sword fights. It is therefore, difficult not to get addicted to what is right now, the most watched and talked about television show.(if not the very best in television right now). One thing that has made the show stand out is the well thought out plots which has always been able to make us all ignore the logic of magic. Season seven however, has gradually began to lose this logic. Maybe it is the rush to conclude the series that has made The crew, do what ever it feels like and not minding how much nonsense we have to endure in the process.
If one has watched episode 6 of season 7, it will be difficult not to ask many begging questions. Some of which are;
1. They needed to get a walker to show to cerci so as to convince her to fight with them and put aside all hostilities. Okay, this might have not seemed much of a bad idea when one thinks about it deeply. But then, what was the plan? Episode 9 of season 5 showed us that the walkers are very fast and had the numbers to overwhelm village in minutes. Jon has this knowledge so why didn't they take horses? It's just bunkers to think they could go beyond the wall, grab a white and run back to the wall. They were lucky to have even seen a group of walkers out of the herd. Which gives the notion that the series runs on the premise of luck rather than any other thing.
2. If you are able to look past the no horse thing, how about the time travel of game of thrones. I don't know about you but except they have a raven that can travel the speed of light, then there's no way, Gendry would have run back to the wall, gotten a raven, sent it to Danny, and she would come flying in with her dragons in time. Let's assume they were two days away from the wall. Which is what we should assume. And also assuming she knew exactly where to find them in the vast icy land. So many things happened within few minutes of the episode than we have been made accustomed to.
3.  If we ignore all this and just focus on the battle, which if I might add was every bit mind blowing, one will begin to wonder why the walkers where afraid of  falling into water. Why did they have to wait? While it was obvious that they could swim seeing that they kept swim up and pulling the men under water.
4. Why didn't the night King just kill them all with the ice javelin he used to kill Viscerion. He had it with him all along. Why wait? Or was he saving it for the dragons? Cause we are to assume he didn't know about dragons existence until Danny flew in with her 3 sons. One can assume that the night King wanted them to freeze to death or die of hunger. But it still begs the question of who among the walkers would have gotten their bodies when they eventually died, since they were scared of water.
5. Further more, with the already established fear of water by the walking dead (if we can call them that), I can not but think about who amongst them swam down the frozen lake to get the chain round Viscerions neck so he could be pulled out. So how was the chain gotten round his neck?
6. Sweet uncle Bengen vs Rhaegal. Who would have made for a better savior? It was like they wanted to kill off the character. I saw no reason why uncle Bengen had to die. In my own opinion, it would have made for more thrilling excitement if Rhaegal has dived into the lake and saved Jon. Further building the Taggaerians theory. And giving we the audience what we have been craving for!
7. Lastly, I could not but notice while watching the episode, how my mood changed each time the Arya-Sansa scene was shown. Why did they have to combine a scene as intense as beyond the wall and an annoying sibling quarrel. It just kept on killing the mood. And I feel most fans would feel the same.

Game of thrones have gotten it self so much reputation that we will over look any short comings of the series. (And rightly so) maybe, because it's one of the very best right now! And we all will miss it when it's gone.
