Where is Missandei

Where is misandei? 

In the last two episodes of HBO's game of thrones, they have conveniently kept missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) out of the picture. And I am struggling to understand the reason for this omission. The trusted adviser to Deaneries Targaryen has  always been at the side of the dragon queen and it's difficult to imagine her away from the queen's side. But for two episodes, which has proven to be the most trying of times for the Queen, producers of the show have decided to quietly ignore her character. I therefore, have come up with the following hypothesis for her absence 
1. Greyworm: following the sex scene of episode 2, between missandei and the unsullied leader, one would not be wrong for thinking the love between the pair has grown considerably. Also looking back at episode 4, where she expressed her increased worries over her man to Danny, who was curious to know what went down between them. So it won't be far fetched to think missandei of Naath has decided to go be with her man at casterly Rock.

2. Budget: increasingly, the notion that HBO is saving up money for big spendings in the coming season of game of thrones is becoming more and more believable with the killing off of so many characters weekly. So if that's true, then it could be that the beautiful Nathalie Emmanuel has conviently been left out for the sake of budget. In that case, we can be thankful that the writers haven't killed her off. 
3. Simply an oversight: With the haste to conclude the series, which has lead game of thrones to make so many mistakes, we can not but wonder if this is one of those mistakes. Which I would not take past them at this point, looking back at episode 6 of this season. This is not the first time a character has been left out of a show or game of thrones at that but this is definitely the wrong time to ignore a character such as this. 
4. Personal reasons. certain circumstances might make an actor/actress unavailable to shoot some scenes. This might be the same with our star. Which ever the case, we hope she's fine.

Regardless of what the reason might be, Nathalie Emmanuel is a wonderful actress and her role in the series have been nothing but wonderful to the point where we fans have come to love her despite her role not being a major one. Also, if I may add, she's beautiful to look at. 
